
Plein-air pen and wash on paper



Occasionally I try to draw flowers in a bouquet. This time  I used an example: a flower painting by Shari Blaukopf, who is a skilled artist from Montreal. I am currently enrolled in one of her classes, publicised by Craftsy. She displays her work on a website and I am one of many admirers of her watercolours that are featured in a daily blog.

Anyways, I made a pen sketch based on a painting from this website and then proceeded to a watercolour to have fun with colours and learn something in the process.

It is never the same or as skilled and refined as the original, but is certainly stimulating to do more flowerpaintings in this particular sketchy style. There are many books in the library on the subject of painting flowers, very realistic with a perfect likeness and even  photographic precision, but I have yet to encounter one that uses a more “freewheeling” approach unique to watercolors.

Before buying a bouquet from a flower shop and work from the real thing, I may have to copy some more paintings from other people to get the hang of it.

Author: John Hofman

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4 thoughts on “Flowers

  1. It’s a very attractive sketch, regardless of how you arrived at it. I look forward to seeing more… 🙂

  2. My friend and I are also great admirers of Shari Blaukopf’s work and have taken her Craftsy classes. We also did copies of the very same bouquet of flowers as you have done here! I see many similarities in your work and Shari’s. I am learning so much from her and feel I could learn a lot from you, too, which is why I wish I could receive your blog via email as I do hers.

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